
오늘부터는 또 다른 걸 배워볼 거야. 바로 ‘심경, 분위기, 어조’!
말 그대로야. 주어진 문제에서 나타나는 분위기, 어조 혹은 문제에 나오는 등장인물의 심경을 맞추면 돼^_^

이 문제 유형에서 핵심은 바로 단어야! 물론, 영어 자체의 핵심이 단어이긴 하지만 이 문제에서는 ‘심경, 분위기, 어조’를 나타내는 단어들을 제대로 숙지해야 풀 수 있어.
실컷 다 해석해놓고 선지에 나오는 단어를 몰라서 답을 못 고르는 최악의 상황이 발생할 수 있거든-_-;
그러니까 100여개정도의 심경, 분위기, 어조의 단어를 매일 하루에 ‘20~30’개정도씩 외우면서 익혀두는게 좋아.

그리고 또 하나! 이 문제는 정말 심경이나 분위기만 읽어내면 장땡이야. 그래서 그런 심경, 분위기 등을 잘 나타내는 단어들을 훑으면서 읽고 빨리 답을 찾아내는게 좋아.
그러한 단어는 대개 형용사, 부사, 동사 이 세가지야. 잘 모르겠다 싶을 땐 자세히 읽되, 보통 풀때는 저 세가지 위주로 체크하면서 풀어!

자 그럼 문제를 풀어보자.

1. 다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
I knocked at the door and was told to enter. I found myself in a large room, where the curtains were closed to allow no daylight in, and the candles were lit. In the center of the room, sitting at a table, was the strangest lady I had ever seen. She was wearing a wedding dress made of rich material. She had a bride’s flowers in her hair, but her hair was white. She only had one white shoe on. Then I realized that over the years the flowers in her hair had died, and the bride inside the dress had grown old. Everything in the room was ancient. The only brightness in the room was in her dark old eyes that stared at me.

①exciting and festive ②busy and frustrating ③mysterious and scary
④friendly and funny ⑤peaceful and boring

정답은 3번이야!!
먼저 해석을 해보자!!!

I / knocked / at the door and / was / told / to enter.
->문을 노크하자 들어오라는 말이 들렸다.

I / found / myself / in a large room, where / the curtains / were / closed / to allow no daylight / in, and the candles / were / lit.
->나는 커다란 방 안에 있게 되었는데, 그 방에는 커튼이 드리워져서 햇빛이 전혀 들어오지 않았고 촛불이 켜 있었다.

In the center / of the room, sitting / at a table, / was / the strangest lady I / had / ever seen.
->방의 가운데에는 내가 지금껏 본 사람 중 가장 이상해 보이는 부인이 테이블에 앉아 있었다.

She / was / wearing / a wedding dress / made / of rich material.
->그녀는 호화로운 재질로 만들어진 웨딩드레스를 입고 있었다.

She / had a bride’s flowers / in her hair, but her hair / was / white.
->그녀의 머리에는 결혼 신부의 꽃이 있었지만, 그녀의 머리카락은 백발이었다.

She only / had / one white shoe on.
->그녀는 흰색 구두를 하나만 신고 있었다.

Then I realized / that / over the years the flowers / in her hair had died, and the bride inside the dress / had / grown old.
->그 때 나는 여러 해가 지나는 동안 그녀의 머리에 있는 꽃이 죽었으며, 웨딩드레스 속의 신부는 늙게 되었음을 깨달았다.

Everything / in the room / was / ancient.
->방 안에 있는 모든 것들은 옛날 것이었다.

The only brightness / in the room / was / in her dark old eyes / that / stared / at me.
->방 안에서 유일하게 반짝인 것은 나를 쳐다보았던 그녀의 짙은 나이 든 눈이었다.

문을 노크하자 들어오라는 말이 들렸다. 나는 커다란 방 안에 있게 되었는데, 그 방에는 커튼이 드리워져서 햇빛이 전혀 들어오지 않았고 촛불이 켜 있었다. 방의 가운데에는 내가 지금껏 본 사람 중 가장 이상해 보이는 부인이 테이블에 앉아 있었다. 그녀는 호화로운 재질로 만들어진 웨딩드레스를 입고 있었다. 그녀의 머리에는 결혼 신부의 꽃이 있었지만, 그녀의 머리카락은 백발이었다. 그녀는 흰색 구두를 하나만 신고 있었다. 그 때 나는 여러 해가 지나는 동안 그녀의 머리에 있는 꽃이 죽었으며, 웨딩드레스 속의 신부는 늙게 되었음을 깨달았다. 방 안에 있는 모든 것들은 옛날 것이었다. 방 안에서 유일하게 반짝인 것은 나를 쳐다보았던 그녀의 짙은 나이 든 눈이었다.

candle 양초, 촛불 / ancient 옛날의 / stare at ~ ~를 응시하다

I knocked at the door and was told to enter. I found myself in a large room, where the curtains were closed to allow no daylight in, and the candles were lit. In the center of the room, sitting at a table, was the strangest lady I had ever seen. She was wearing a wedding dress made of rich material. She had a bride’s flowers in her hair, but her hair was white. She only had one white shoe on. Then I realized that over the years the flowers in her hair had died, and the bride inside the dress had grown old. Everything in the room was ancient. The only brightness in the room was in her dark old eyes that stared at me.

빨간색 표시한 부분들을 잘 봐봐. 선생님이 말한 분위기를 한번에 캐치할 수 있는 표현들이야.

She only had one white shoe on.
그녀는 흰색 구두를 하나만 신고 있었다.
Everything in the room was ancient. The only brightness in the room was in her dark old eyes that stared at me.
방 안에 있는 모든 것들은 옛날 것이었다. 방 안에서 유일하게 반짝인 것은 나를 쳐다보았던 그녀의 짙은 나이 든 눈이었다.

딱 봐도 좋은 분위기는 아니지? 으스스하고, 뭔가 이상해. 이런 분위기를 나타내는 답은,

①exciting and festive 흥분하고 축제 같은
②busy and frustrating 바쁘고 짜증나는
③mysterious and scary 신비롭고 무서운
④friendly and funny 친근하고 웃기는
⑤peaceful and boring 평화롭고 지루한

바로 3번!
쉽지? 이런식으로 포인트만 집어내고 심경이나 분위기를 바로 알아내면 돼!

2. 다음 글에 드러난 필자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Our guest arrived in the broadcasting studio, and I opened my show at 11:05 with a brief introduction about his background. Then I asked my first question, and he just said, “I don’t know.” A few more questions followed, but all were answered in one of three ways: “Yes.” “No.” or “I don’t know.” I looked up at the clock in the studio. It was 11:09, and I was out of material. I had nothing left to ask this guy. Everyone in the studio was standing around with the same thought: “What are we going to do? We have fifty minutes left. Listeners all over the country are going to reach for the tuning dials on their radios any second now.”

① lively and excited ② anxious and concerned ③ calm and relieved
④ anticipating and grateful ⑤ bored and indifferent

정답은 2번이야!!
먼저 해석을 해보자!!!

Our guest / arrived / in the broadcasting studio, and I / opened / my / show / at 11:05 / with a brief introduction / about his background.
->우리의 게스트는 방송국 스튜디오에 도착했고, 나는 그의 경력에 대한 간단한 소개로 11시 5분에 내 쇼를 시작했다.

Then I / asked / my first question, and he just / said /, “I don’/ t know.”
->그리고 나는 내 첫 질문을 던졌는데 그는 단지 “모릅니다.”라고만 대답했다.

A few more questions followed, but all / were / answered / in one / of three ways: “Yes.” “No.” or “I don’t know.”
->그 뒤로도 몇 개의 질문을 더 했지만 모든 질문에 그는 “네.” “아니오.” 혹은 “모릅니다.”라는 세 가지 방법 중 하나로 대답했다.

I / looked up / at the clock / in the studio.
->나는 스튜디오의 시계를 올려다보았다.

It / was / 11:09, and I / was / out / of material.
->11시 9분이었는데 소재가 다 떨어졌다.

I / had / nothing left / to ask this guy.
->이 남자에게 물어볼 만한 것이 남아 있는 게 없었다.

Everyone / in the studio / was / standing / around / with the same thought:
->스튜디오의 모든 사람들이 똑같은 생각을 하며 주위에 서 있었다.

“What / are / we / going / to do? We / have / fifty minutes left.
->“이제 뭘 하지? 50분이나 남았는데.

Listeners all over the country / are / going / to reach / for the tuning dials / on their radios any second now.”
->전국의 청취자들이 이제 언제라도 라디오 다이얼에 손을 뻗을 거야.”

우리의 게스트는 방송국 스튜디오에 도착했고, 나는 그의 경력에 대한 간단한 소개로 11시 5분에 내 쇼를 시작했다. 그리고 나는 내 첫 질문을 던졌는데 그는 단지 “모릅니다.”라고만 대답했다. 그 뒤로도 몇 개의 질문을 더 했지만 모든 질문에 그는 “네.” “아니오.” 혹은 “모릅니다.”라는 세 가지 방법 중 하나로 대답했다. 나는 스튜디오의 시계를 올려다보았다. 11시 9분이었는데 소재가 다 떨어졌다. 이 남자에게 물어볼 만한 것이 남아 있는 게 없었다. 스튜디오의 모든 사람들이 똑같은 생각을 하며 주위에 서 있었다. “이제 뭘 하지? 50분이나 남았는데. 전국의 청취자들이 이제 언제라도 라디오 다이얼에 손을 뻗을 거야.”

broadcasting 방송 / studio 방송실, 스튜디오 / background 경력, 경험 / material 자료, 소재

Our guest arrived in the broadcasting studio, and I opened my show at 11:05 with a brief introduction about his background. Then I asked my first question, and he just said, “I don’t know.” A few more questions followed, but all were answered in one of three ways: “Yes.” “No.” or “I don’t know.” I looked up at the clock in the studio. It was 11:09, and I was out of material. I had nothing left to ask this guy. Everyone in the studio was standing around with the same thought: “What are we going to do? We have fifty minutes left. Listeners all over the country are going to reach for the tuning dials on their radios any second now.”

역시 빨간색 부분을 주목해보자.
It was 11:09, and I was out of material.
11시 9분이었는데 소재가 다 떨어졌다.
“What are we going to do? We have fifty minutes left. Listeners all over the country are going to reach for the tuning dials on their radios any second now.”
“이제 뭘 하지? 50분이나 남았는데. 전국의 청취자들이 이제 언제라도 라디오 다이얼에 손을 뻗을 거야.”

소재는 다 떨어졌는데 라디오 시간은 50분이나 남았어. 절대 유쾌한 상황이 아니지? 문제에서 주인공도 이제 뭘 하냐면서 걱정하고 있어. 이 심정을 나타내는 답은?

① lively and excited 생기발랄하고 흥분된
② anxious and concerned 걱정하고 근심스러운
③ calm and relieved 차분하고 안도한
④ anticipating and grateful 기대하고 감사하는
⑤ bored and indifferent 지루하고 무관심한

바로 2번이지!

3. 다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?
After the snowstorm came thick fog, and in that fog, Fredrick’s men soon lost their way on an ice river with hundreds of big holes in it. Not only could they see nothing in front of them, but they were tired and ill and could not walk any more. So they had to stay in their tents near the mountains for four days. After that time, Fredrick went to Albert Marshall’s tent. “You are ill, Albert,” he said. “You can’t come to the Pole. Take two men and go back tomorrow.” Next day, Fredrick watched regretfully as Marshall’s sled disappeared slowly in the distance.

① gloomy and pitiful ② festive and joyful ③ calm and peaceful
④ promising and hopeful ⑤ relaxing and encouraging

정답은 1번이야!!
먼저 해석을 해보자!!!

After / the snowstorm came thick fog, and / in that fog, Fredrick’s men soon / lost / their way / on an ice river / with hundreds / of big holes / in it.
->눈보라가 지나간 후에 짙은 안개가 찾아왔고, 그 안개 속에서 Fredrick의 대원들은 곧 수백 개의 커다란 구멍이 있는 얼어붙은 강 위에서 길을 잃었다.

Not only / could / they / see / nothing / in front / of them, but they / were / tired and ill and could / not walk any more.
->그들은 앞을 전혀 볼 수 없었을 뿐만 아니라 지치고 병이 들어서 더 이상 걸을 수가 없었다.

So they / had / to stay / in their tents near the mountains / for four days.
->그래서 그들은 나흘 동안 산 주변에 텐트를 치고 머물러야 했다.

After / that / time, Fredrick / went to Albert Marshall’s tent.
->그런 후 Fredrick은 Albert Marshall의 텐트로 갔다.

“You / are / ill, Albert,” he / said /.
->“몸이 안 좋구나, Albert”라고 그는 말했다.

“You / can’t come / to the Pole.
->“너는 북극에 도달할 수 없어.

Take two men and / go / back tomorrow.”
->두 사람과 함께 내일 돌아가도록 해.”

Next day, Fredrick / watched / regretfully / as Marshall’s sled disappeared slowly / in the distance.
->그 다음날 Fredrick은 Marshall이 탄 썰매가 멀리서 서서히 사라지는 것을 슬픈 마음으로 바라보았다.

눈보라가 지나간 후에 짙은 안개가 찾아왔고, 그 안개 속에서 Fredrick의 대원들은 곧 수백 개의 커다란 구멍이 있는 얼어붙은 강 위에서 길을 잃었다. 그들은 앞을 전혀 볼 수 없었을 뿐만 아니라 지치고 병이 들어서 더 이상 걸을 수가 없었다. 그래서 그들은 나흘 동안 산 주변에 텐트를 치고 머물러야 했다. 그런 후 Fredrick은 Albert Marshall의 텐트로 갔다. “몸이 안 좋구나, Albert”라고 그는 말했다. “너는 북극에 도달할 수 없어. 두 사람과 함께 내일 돌아가도록 해.” 그 다음날 Fredrick은 Marshall이 탄 썰매가 멀리서 서서히 사라지는 것을 슬픈 마음으로 바라보았다.

snowstorm 눈보라 / regretfully 슬퍼하며, 유감스럽게 생각하며 / in the distance 멀리서

After the snowstorm came thick fog, and in that fog, Fredrick’s men soon lost their way on an ice river with hundreds of big holes in it. Not only could they see nothing in front of them, but they were tired and ill and could not walk any more. So they had to stay in their tents near the mountains for four days. After that time, Fredrick went to Albert Marshall’s tent. “You are ill, Albert,” he said. “You can’t come to the Pole. Take two men and go back tomorrow.” Next day, Fredrick watched regretfully as Marshall’s sled disappeared slowly in the distance.

lost their way
길을 잃었다.
see nothing in front of them
앞을 전혀 볼 수 없었을 뿐만 아니라
tired and ill
지치고 병이 들어서
disappeared slowly in the distance
멀리서 서서히 사라지는 것

역시나 좋은 분위기가 아니야.. 길을 잃고, 앞이 안보이고 지치고 병들기 까지. 암울하고 처량하지?
이런 분위기를 표현하는 정답은

① gloomy and pitiful 침울하고 처량한
② festive and joyful 축제 같고 즐거운
③ calm and peaceful 차분하고 평화로운
④ promising and hopeful 전도유망하고 희망찬
⑤ relaxing and encouraging 편안하고 격려해주는

바로 1번!

해석 연습

1. I knocked at the door and was told to enter.

2. I found myself in a large room, where the curtains were closed to allow no daylight in, and the candles were lit.

3. In the center of the room, sitting at a table, was the strangest lady I had ever seen.

4. She was wearing a wedding dress made of rich material.

5. She had a bride’s flowers in her hair, but her hair was white.

6. She only had one white shoe on.

7. Then I realized that over the years the flowers in her hair had died, and the bride inside the dress had grown old.

8. Everything in the room was ancient.

9. The only brightness in the room was in her dark old eyes that stared at me.

10. Our guest arrived in the broadcasting studio, and I opened my show at 11:05 with a brief introduction about his background.

11. Then I asked my first question, and he just said, “I don’t know.”

12. A few more questions followed, but all were answered in one of three ways: “Yes.” “No.” or “I don’t know.”

13. I looked up at the clock in the studio.

14. It was 11:09, and I was out of material.

15. I had nothing left to ask this guy.

16. Everyone in the studio was standing around with the same thought:

17. “What are we going to do? We have fifty minutes left.

18. Listeners all over the country are going to reach for the tuning dials on their radios any second now.”

19. After the snowstorm came thick fog, and in that fog, Fredrick’s men soon lost their way on an ice river with hundreds of big holes in it.

20. Not only could they see nothing in front of them, but they were tired and ill and could not walk any more.

21. So they had to stay in their tents near the mountains for four days.

22. After that time, Fredrick went to Albert Marshall’s tent.

23. “You are ill, Albert,” he said.

24. “You can’t come to the Pole.

25. Take two men and go back tomorrow.”

26. Next day, Fredrick watched regretfully as Marshall’s sled disappeared slowly in the distance.

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