
1. 밑줄 친 she[her]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Ellen Langer learned from her mother how to prepare a roast. As a little girl, ① she would watch as her mother cut off a small bit from one end of the meat before placing it in the roasting pan. As an adult, ② she followed the same routine. However, a question occurred to ③ her one day. Why did she have to cut off the end of the roast? She asked her mother, who just said she’d learned to do it from her own mother. Then Langer asked her grandmother. She explained that when she was a young mother, the only roasting pan ④ she’d had was too short for a standard roast, so she had to cut off the end to fit it into the pan. She’d long since gotten roasting pans in larger sizes and hadn’t cut an end off since. Yet for years both Langer and ⑤ her mother had mindlessly followed this routine.

정답은 4번이야!!
먼저 해석을 해보자!!!

Ellen Langer / learned / from her mother / how to prepare / a roast.
->Ellen Langer는 어머니에게서 구이 요리를 조리하는 방법을 배웠다.

As a little girl, / she would watch / as her mother / cut off / a small bit / from one end of the meat / before / placing it / in the roasting pan.
->어렸을 때 그녀는 어머니가 고기를 구이용 팬에 넣기 전에 한쪽 끝을 조금 잘라 내는 것을 지켜보곤 했다.

As an adult, / she followed / the same routine.
->어른이 되어서 Langer는 그와 똑같은 일을 따라 했다.

However, / a question / occurred / to her / one day.
->하지만 어느 날 그녀에게 한 질문이 떠올랐다.

Why / did / she / have to / cut off / the end of the roast?
->그녀는 왜 고기의 한 쪽 끝을 잘라내야 했는가?

She asked / her mother, / who just said / she’d learned / to do / it / from / her own mother.
->그녀가 어머니에게 묻자, 어머니는 그저 자기의 어머니로부터 그렇게 하는 것을 배웠다고 말할 뿐이었다.

Then / Langer / asked / her grandmother.
->Langer는 그 다음에 할머니에게 물었다.

She explained / that / when / she was / a young mother, / the only roasting pan / she’d had / was / too short / for a standard roast, / so / she had to / cut off / the end / to fit it / into the pan.
->할머니는 자기가 젊은 어머니였을 때 가지고 있던 유일한 구이용 팬이 보통의 구이 요리를 하기에는 너무 짧아서 팬에 들어가게 하려면 고기를 조금 잘라낼 수밖에 없었다고 설명했다.

She’d long / since / gotten / roasting pans / in larger sizes / and hadn’t cut / an end off since.
->그녀는 오래 전에 더 큰 사이즈의 구이용 팬들을 샀으며, 그 후로는 한쪽 끝을 자르지 않았다.

Yet / for years / both Langer and her mother / had / mindlessly / followed / this routine.
->하지만 수년간 Langer와 그녀의 어머니는 분별없이 이 일을 따라 했던 것이다.

Ellen Langer는 어머니에게서 구이 요리를 조리하는 방법을 배웠다. 어렸을 때 그녀는 어머니가 고기를 구이용 팬에 넣기 전에 한쪽 끝을 조금 잘라 내는 것을 지켜보곤 했다. 어른이 되어서 Langer는 그와 똑같은 일을 따라 했다. 하지만 어느 날 그녀에게 한 질문이 떠올랐다. 그녀는 왜 고기의 한 쪽 끝을 잘라내야 했는가? 그녀가 어머니에게 묻자, 어머니는 그저 자기의 어머니로부터 그렇게 하는 것을 배웠다고 말할 뿐이었다. Langer는 그 다음에 할머니에게 물었다. 할머니는 자기가 젊은 어머니였을 때 가지고 있던 유일한 구이용 팬이 보통의 구이 요리를 하기에는 너무 짧아서 팬에 들어가게 하려면 고기를 조금 잘라낼 수밖에 없었다고 설명했다. 그녀는 오래 전에 더 큰 사이즈의 구이용 팬들을 샀으며, 그 후로는 한쪽 끝을 자르지 않았다. 하지만 수년간 Langer와 그녀의 어머니는 분별없이 이 일을 따라 했던 것이다.

roast 구이 요리, 구운 고기 / long since 오래 전에 / mindlessly 분별없이, 어리석게 / routine 판에 박힌 일, 일상의 과정

Ellen Langer learned from her mother how to prepare a roast. As a little girl, ① she would watch as her mother cut off a small bit from one end of the meat before placing it in the roasting pan. As an adult, ② she followed the same routine. However, a question occurred to ③ her one day. Why did she have to cut off the end of the roast? She asked her mother, who just said she’d learned to do it from her own mother. Then Langer asked her grandmother. She explained that when she was a young mother, the only roasting pan ④ she’d had was too short for a standard roast, so she had to cut off the end to fit it into the pan. She’d long since gotten roasting pans in larger sizes and hadn’t cut an end off since. Yet for years both Langer and ⑤ her mother had mindlessly followed this routine.

->She explained that when she was a young mother, the only roasting pan ④ she’d had was too short for a standard roast, so she had to cut off the end to fit it into the pan.

4번을 제외한 대명사는 모두 Ellen Langer를 가리키고, 4번만 Ellen Langer의 할머니를 지칭하고 있어. E.L이 할머니에게 묻고 할머니께서 대답하는 부분이야.
그러므로 답은 바로 4번~

2. 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
One day in February 2009, Stephanie called Betty, ① her best friend, who was the only employee of her business Best Wedding. Once again, they discussed the company’s expenses and dwindling revenue. But this time, Stephanie knew what she had to do. She gathered up her courage and told ② her friend and colleague: “I have to make this work. I have to let ③ you go.” Betty was hurt but wasn’t particularly surprised. In a businesslike fashion, the two women began figuring out how to disengage. Betty said she wanted to start her own event-planning business, and Stephanie agreed to let ④ her keep her existing clients, some photography, and documents and forms they had developed together. ⑤ She also gave Betty two months’ salary as severance pay.
* severance: 해직

정답은 5번이야!!
먼저 해석을 해보자!!!

One day / in February 2009, / Stephanie / called / Betty, / her best friend, / who was / the only employee / of her business / Best Wedding.
->2009년 2월의 어느 날, Stephanie가 그녀의 가장 친한 친구인 Betty에게 전화를 했는데, 그녀는 Stephanie의 사업체인 Best Wedding의 유일한 직원이었다.

Once again, / they discussed / the company’s expenses and / dwindling / revenue.
->다시 한 번 그들은 회사의 지출과 줄어드는 수익 대해 의논했다.

But / this time, / Stephanie / knew / what / she had to do.
->하지만 이번에Stephanie는 그녀가 무엇을 해야 하는지를 알았다.

She gathered up / her courage and / told / her friend and colleague:
->그녀는 용기를 끌어 모아 그녀의 친구이자 동료에게 말했다.

“I have to / make this work. I have to / let / you / go.”
->”난 이 일을 성공시켜야 해 너를 놓아 주어야겠어.”

Betty / was hurt / but wasn’t / particularly / surprised.
->Betty는 마음이 아팠지만 특별히 놀라지는 않았다.

In / a businesslike fashion, / the two women / began figuring out / how / to disengage.
->실질적인 방식에서 그 두 여성은 헤어지는 방법을 찾기 시작했다.

Betty / said / she wanted / to start / her own event-planning business, / and Stephanie / agreed / to let / her / keep / her existing clients, / some photography, / and documents and / forms / they had developed / together.
->Betty는 그녀만의 이벤트 기획 사업을 시작하고 싶다고 말했고, Stephanie는 그녀가 그녀의 현재의 고객들, 약간의 사진 촬영기법, 그리고 그들이 함께 진척시킨 서류와 양식을 유지하도록 해주는 것에 동의했다.

She / also / gave / Betty / two months’ salary / as severance pay.
->그녀는 또한 Betty에게 두 달 분의 급여를 해직 수당으로 주었다.

2009년 2월의 어느 날, Stephanie가 그녀의 가장 친한 친구인 Betty에게 전화를 했는데, 그녀는 Stephanie의 사업체인 Best Wedding의 유일한 직원이었다. 다시 한 번 그들은 회사의 지출과 줄어드는 수익에 대해 의논했다. 하지만 이번에Stephanie는 그녀가 무엇을 해야 하는지를 알았다. 그녀는 용기를 끌어 모아 그녀의 친구이자 동료에게 말했다. “난 이 일을 성공시켜야 해 너를 놓아 주어야겠어.” Betty는 마음이 아팠지만 특별히 놀라지는 않았다. 실질적인 방식에서 그 두 여성은 헤어지는 방법을 찾기 시작했다. Betty는 그녀만의 이벤트 기획 사업을 시작하고 싶다고 말했고, Stephanie는 그녀가 그녀의 현재의 고객들, 약간의 사진 촬영기법, 그리고 그들이 함께 진척시킨 서류와 양식을 유지하도록 해주는 것에 동의했다. 그녀는 또한 Betty에게 두 달 분의 급여를 해직 수당으로 주었다.

dwindling 줄어드는 / revenue 소득, 수익 / colleague 동료 / businesslike 사무적인, 실제적인 / fashion 방식 / figure out ~을 생각해 내다 / disengage 떨어지다, 관계를 끊다 / document 서류

One day in February 2009, Stephanie called Betty, ① her best friend, who was the only employee of her business Best Wedding. Once again, they discussed the company’s expenses and dwindling revenue. But this time, Stephanie knew what she had to do. She gathered up her courage and told ② her friend and colleague: “I have to make this work. I have to let ③ you go.” Betty was hurt but wasn’t particularly surprised. In a businesslike fashion, the two women began figuring out how to disengage. Betty said she wanted to start her own event-planning business, and Stephanie agreed to let ④ her keep her existing clients, some photography, and documents and forms they had developed together. ⑤ She also gave Betty two months’ salary as severance pay.

->⑤ She also gave Betty two months’ salary as severance pay.

5번을 제외한 모든 대명사는 Betty를 가리키는 반면에 ⑤은 Stephanie를 지칭하고 있어.
She also gave Betty~ 라면서 Betty이름이 나와있으니 당연히 she는 Stephanie이겠지?^_^

3. 밑줄 친 she [her]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Kate and Joan, who had not seen each other for three months, were chatting happily in Joan’ apartment. After a short conversation, Joan went to prepare coffee. Soon ① she came back with the cups and saucers and put them own on a small side table. While Joan was looking for tablecloth, Kate was wandering around the room looking at the pictures on the walls. Intent on one of the pictures, ② she took a step back and hit the small table, tipping it over. All the cups and saucers were broken. Kate felt guilty for ③ her negligence. As she helped Joan clean up, ④ she tried to think of a way to compensate her for the damage. Later, Joan mentioned that she was looking for volunteers to work in a fair she was organizing. Although Kate had something important to do on that particular Sunday, she decided to cancel ⑤ her plans and volunteer to help Joan.

정답은 1번이야!!
먼저 해석을 해보자!!!

Kate and Joan, / who had not seen / each other / for three months, / were chatting / happily / in Joan’ apartment.
->Kate와 Joan은 3개월 동안이나 서로 보지 못했는데, Joan의 아파트에서 즐겁게 이야기를 나누고 있었다.

After / a short conversation, / Joan / went / to prepare / coffee.
->짧은 대화 후에, Joan이 커피를 준비하러 갔다.

Soon / she came back / with the cups and saucers / and put / them own / on / a small side table.
->곧 그녀가 컵과 받침 접시를 가지고 돌아와 그것을 작은 보조탁자에다 놓았다.

While / Joan / was looking / for tablecloth, / Kate / was wandering / around the room / looking / at the / pictures / on the walls.
->Joan이 테이블보를 찾고 있는 도중에, Kate는 벽에 있는 사진들을 보면서 방 주위를 서성이고 있었다.

Intent / on one of the pictures, / she took / a step back and / hit / the small table, / tipping / it / over.
->사진들 중 하나에 열중하면서 그녀는 한 걸음 뒤로 물러나다가 그 작은 탁자에 부딪혔고 그것을 쓰러트렸다.

All the cups and saucers / were broken.
->컵과 받침접시 모두가 깨졌다.

Kate / felt / guilty / for her negligence.
->Kate는 자신의 부주의에 대해 죄책감을 느꼈다.

As / she helped / Joan / clean up, / she tried / to think of / a way / to compensate / her / for the damage.
->Joan이 치우는 것을 도우며, 그녀는 그 손해에 대해 보상하는 방법을 생각해 내려고 했다.

Later, / Joan / mentioned / that / she was looking / for volunteers / to work / in a fair / she was organizing.
->나중에 Joan은 자신이 조직하고 있는 전시회에서 일할 자원봉사자를 찾고 있다는 말을 했다.

Although / Kate / had / something important / to do / on that / particular Sunday, / she decided / to cancel / her plans and / volunteer / to help / Joan.
->비록 Kate는 그 특별한 일요일에 해야 할 중요한 무언가가 있었지만, 그녀의 계획을 취소하고 Joan을 돕기 위해 자원봉사를 하기로 결심했다.

Kate와 Joan은 3개월 동안이나 서로 보지 못했는데, Joan의 아파트에서 즐겁게 이야기를 나누고 있었다. 짧은 대화 후에, Joan이 커피를 준비하러 갔다. 곧 그녀가 컵과 받침 접시를 가지고 돌아와 그것을 작은 보조탁자에다 놓았다. Joan이 테이블보를 찾고 있는 도중에, Kate는 벽에 있는 사진들을 보면서 방 주위를 서성이고 있었다. 사진들 중 하나에 열중하면서 그녀는 한 걸음 뒤로 물러나다가 그 작은 탁자에 부딪혔고 그것을 쓰러트렸다. 컵과 받침접시 모두가 깨졌다. Kate는 자신의 부주의에 대해 죄책감을 느꼈다. Joan이 치우는 것을 도우며, 그녀는 그 손해에 대해 보상하는 방법을 생각해 내려고 했다. 나중에 Joan은 자신이 조직하고 있는 전시회에서 일할 자원봉사자를 찾고 있다는 말을 했다. 비록 Kate는 그 특별한 일요일에 해야 할 중요한 무언가가 있었지만, 그녀의 계획을 취소하고 Joan을 돕기 위해 자원봉사를 하기로 결심했다.

chat 잡담하다 / side table 보조탁자 / wander 어슬렁거리다 / tip over 쓰러트리다, 뒤집어엎다 / negligence 부주의 / compensate 보상하다 / fair 전시회, 박람회

Kate and Joan, who had not seen each other for three months, were chatting happily in Joan’ apartment. After a short conversation, Joan went to prepare coffee. Soon ① she came back with the cups and saucers and put them own on a small side table. While Joan was looking for tablecloth, Kate was wandering around the room looking at the pictures on the walls. Intent on one of the pictures, ② she took a step back and hit the small table, tipping it over. All the cups and saucers were broken. Kate felt guilty for ③ her negligence. As she helped Joan clean up, ④ she tried to think of a way to compensate her for the damage. Later, Joan mentioned that she was looking for volunteers to work in a fair she was organizing. Although Kate had something important to do on that particular Sunday, she decided to cancel ⑤ her plans and volunteer to help Joan.

->Soon ① she came back with the cups and saucers and put them own on a small side table.

1번은 Joan을 가리키지만 나머지는 모두 Kate를 가리키고 있어!
1번과 2번이 지칭하는 것이 서로다르니까 나머지는 읽지 않고도 바로 1,2번 안에서 답을 찾을 수 있었어!

해석 연습

1. Ellen Langer learned from her mother how to prepare a roast.

2. As a little girl, she would watch as her mother cut off a small bit from one end of the meat before placing it in the roasting pan.

3. As an adult, she followed the same routine.

4. However, a question occurred to her one day.

5. Why did she have to cut off the end of the roast?

6. She asked her mother, who just said she’d learned to do it from her own mother.

7. Then Langer asked her grandmother.

8. She explained that when she was a young mother, the only roasting pan she’d had was too short for a standard roast, so she had to cut off the end to fit it into the pan.

9. She’d long since gotten roasting pans in larger sizes and hadn’t cut an end off since.

10. Yet for years both Langer and her mother had mindlessly followed this routine.

11. One day in February 2009, Stephanie called Betty, her best friend, who was the only employee of her business Best Wedding.

12. Once again, they discussed the company’s expenses and dwindling revenue.

13. But this time, Stephanie knew what she had to do.

14. She gathered up her courage and told her friend and colleague: “I have to make this work. I have to let you go.”

15. Betty was hurt but wasn’t particularly surprised.

16. In a businesslike fashion, the two women began figuring out how to disengage.

17. Betty said she wanted to start her own event-planning business, and Stephanie agreed to let her keep her existing clients, some photography, and documents and forms they had developed together.

18. She also gave Betty two months’ salary as severance pay.

19. Kate and Joan, who had not seen each other for three months, were chatting happily in Joan’ apartment.

20. After a short conversation, Joan went to prepare coffee.

21. Soon she came back with the cups and saucers and put them own on a small side table.

22. While Joan was looking for tablecloth, Kate was wandering around the room looking at the pictures on the walls.

23. Intent on one of the pictures, she took a step back and hit the small table, tipping it over.

24. All the cups and saucers were broken. Kate felt guilty for her negligence.

25. As she helped Joan clean up, she tried to think of a way to compensate her for the damage.

26. Later, Joan mentioned that she was looking for volunteers to work in a fair she was organizing.

27. Although Kate had something important to do on that particular Sunday, she decided to cancel her plans and volunteer to help Joan.

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