
끊어읽기에 주의하면서 아래 예문을 해석하시오

61. The phrase used to be considered slang in the past, but it is now considered standard English today.

62. The hardest work in the world is that what should have been done yesterday.

63. I am sure I must have been as foolish as the guy.

64. You should have seen a beautiful scene of the ocean filled with coral in diverse colors.

65. I’d like to open a savings account in your bank.

66. The city council may well start the fight over fast food for the children.

67. We cannot but agree the value of the book which the author published.

68. I’d rather go naked than wear fur.

69. Purchase this game or you might as well consider yourself a non-video game fan.

70. I would rather die than act cowardly when my country needs my bravery.

71. After watching the movie about war, I couldn’t help feeling that the soldiers themselves are, in some way, victims.

72. I refused to give up my rights at any cost.

73. The country decided to accept the proposal from UN.

74. Our goal is to make our dream come true.

75. Our intention is to provide the best price and service to our customers.

76. I have something to tell you about the matter.

77. Until now, we simply do not have the technology to travel to the nearest star in a human lifetime.

78. If you are to get pearls, you must dive deep in the ocean.

79. Imagine that it’s Sunday today and you are to meet your girl friend at the amusement park.

80. Shop owners are changing store designs to make the customers make more slowly.

81. To prevent software from being copied illegally, the companies should lower the price of their goods to a reasonable price.

82. I’m truly sorry to say this sorrow news to you.

83. We are delighted to announce a new update to our program in this seminar.

84. They disappeared soon in heavy rain, never to return to us.

85. I arrived at the hill-top only to find a disappointing view of the seashore.

86. She must be rich to buy a fifty thousand dollar bag without hesitation.

87. He must be honest to confess that he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

88. How foolish she is to buy such a expensive car!

89. When he first started his job, work of any kind was almost impossible to find.

90. In written language, the same word is always spelt in the same way, so different words are easy to distinguish in print compared with spoken language.

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